Welcome to the E-Learning Day


Welcome to Huish Episcopi school's Year 9 E Learning Day. Today you will get the opportunity to study some interesting topics using your own computer at home. To help you understand what you need to do - Please read the four steps below:

You should aim to complete a minimum of 6 hours work (Your 5 normal 1 hour lessons plus an hour of homework). You do NOT have to complete this all on E Learning Day as long as you complete the six hours by Monday.

You need to complete a minimum of 3 (You can do more than 3) of the 6 topics included on this website.
To help you decide which topics to choose, spend a few minutes looking at each one, then decide which you are going to complete. Choose topics you enjoy or are interested in, as there are no compulsory topics.
When you have completed a topic, print your work out (make sure your Name and Form are included) for your E Learning Teacher to mark.



Eday@huishepiscopi.somerset.sch.uk 01458 250501 HUISH EPISCOPI SCHOOL SCIENCE COLLEGE 2005 Feedback